Has it really been 10 years!?! In some ways I can't believe it has been 10 years and then again, a lot has happened in the last 10 years. A decade ago Ryan and were married in the Vernal, UT temple. We moved to a little apartment in Mesa Arizona. Ryan was going to school and I was working as a dental assistant. A year later we decided to take over his brothers' outlet business in Flagstaff. A year and half later Alexis was born, 2 years after that the twins were born, a year later we moved here to St. George and took over our second outlet store. A year after that we shut down our store in Arizona, and then a year after that we shut down our store here in St. George and we have been doing all our business online. It is so crazy to think about what the next 10 years will bring! 10 years from now I will be 40, Alexis will be 18 and graduating high school, the twins will be 16 and getting their drivers licences! Okay, that is way too crazy to even think about!!!!!
I'm so lucky
14 years ago
Congrats on 10 fabulous years!
STOP IT JEN! Your making me cry! This is all happening too fast! You guys are such a cute couple, can't wait to move back west to be close to you guys again. Congrats again.
Will HAPPY ANNIVERSARY that is so much fun that u got to do all of that. It look like u had a great room. I love looking a hotal rooms they are fun. well have a great day!
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