Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving & Tilly's blessing

This year we went to my brother's house in Richfield for Thanksgiving.  We ate lots of yummy food and we got to show off Tilly to the rest of my family.  While we were there we had her blessed since my parents won't be traveling again until spring and the roads are good again.  It was a very personal, sweet blessing.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


My parents left today.  Sad to see them leave but so grateful for how much they helped me .  They gave all 4 (I'm still getting used to the way that sounds) of my kids lots of affection and attention.  My mom did countless loads of laundry & dishes, cooked yummy home cooked meals, and took good care of all of us!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


She is just so sweet.  She is such a good baby.  She sleeps in 3 hour stretches, eats well, loves to cuddle and she sucks her thumb every time we give her a bath.  Her big brother and sisters can't get enough of her and neither can I!

Crazy hair day!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Here are a few pics we took today.  Tilly Rae Welker was born 11/10/10 at 6:25pm.  She weighs 7 lbs 9 0z and is 19.5" long.   I went to my Dr.'s appt. on Tuesday and I had not dilated past a 2 or effaced anymore and I was getting very large so we decided to induce the next day.  I went in at 6 am and the induction went well.  I started having regular contractions right away and was progressing well.  After 5 hours they broke my water and I was soon dilated to a 7.  I then decided to go ahead and get an epidural.  Not too long after that I was dilated to a 9 but the baby just wasn't coming down the birth canal.  It was then discovered that she was posterior and we tried for hours to turn her and I even tried pushing to get her down and after 12 hours of labor it was apparent that due to the shape of my pelvis and size of the baby she just wasn't going to "fit".  So I had a c-section and by that point I had come to terms with it and was okay with have the c-section.  I just knew it was what was best.   She is here safe and healthy and we couldn't be happier!  We were able to come home yesterday and thank goodness my Mom is here taking care of EVERYTHING!  I don't know what we would have done with out her.  The kids are head over heels for her and we are just loving her.  She is sooo alert and is doing so well.  I am recovering has been hard...but thank goodness for all the help from Ryan/my Mom/big brother and sisters.  She reminds us so much of Lexi when she was a baby and we couldn't be happier to have her in our home.  Oh, she is just so sweet!  Can't you just smell here through the screen!!!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Nursery

The Nursery is all I just need a baby to put in it :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Lexi's new desk!

My Dad made a desk to go in the girls' room.  My mom brought it with her when she came on Halloween night.  The kids are so excited to have her here and so am I!

Happy Halloween!!!